November ~ Discernment: Be Resolved


Alert, attentive, listening to everything,
Discerning what is noise and what is music,
My heart is quiet and can naturally be itself.
Complex feelings fill the heart and overflow
Throughout the body.
I stay with the feelings –
I have learnt not to escape from myself.

Wing Mirror

On the highway of life
I saw you in my wing mirror.
So as not to cause
An accident,
I have stopped at the
Nearest rest stop
To buy you these flowers.

The Shining One of SHU

My nakedness shocks me.
Without cover-up I see my life,
The remorse, the pain and resentment.
Why was I taken in by this false me,
Offering success, fame and riches?

As I open my eyes, the imposter is recognized,
I hear the high wind
Howling through the trees and around the buildings.

SHU … has come to blow away my thoughts,
My psychological memories of good and evil.
Out to sea they will go
To form the ocean of human consciousness.

Now I may board the boat
that navigates upon that sea,
With its sails that reach out to eternity.